October 12, 2011

Guilty As Charged?

As she nervously rambled on about the detergent sales dip in their branch; 
he pondered guiltily over their break-up's effect on her.

140 characters

October 05, 2011

Random Musing of An Insecure Writer - IWSG

 Nokia tag line says "We connect people" but the ones who contacted me the most were Tele marketeers...The TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India ) now says, 100 sms/texts per Sim card is enough for a day from October onwards....which means my cellular service  provider can't connect to me even for billing. 

 This is so reminiscent of my writing journey this year. True the quill had gathered dust for years, the words lost in yellowing journals. Patience is the key....but insecurity strikes a blow to the tender bruised ego with every rejection...
On one hand writers say you need publishing credits to launch your short story collection....on the other hand even free e zines feel my work would stain their esteemed cyber pages. And in the second most populated country in the world; where every other educated person is a closet writer, maybe my work is not good enough. This toon below expresses my fears adequately

Insecure Writer

And yet, every time I hear that a fellow blogger has broken the glass 
ceiling of the publishing world, I am gladdened and  feel hopeful
One such blogger Gail  M Baugneit has published her Pepper Bibeau 
mystery,"FOR EVERY ACTION There Are Consequences" in both 
trade and e book format. Do drop in at her blog. You may even win 
the Smashwords coupon for the remaining 3 free copies of the novel.

Since, a lot of people have blogged about her Novelette launched, 
I felt it would seem like old news.
 M. Pax a writer of short stories and novelettes in science fiction 
(one of my favourite genre) has launched her E book , 
a Space opera "Semper Audacia". 
It is available at Amazon and also at Smashwords for .99 cents. 
Check out her free short stories, especially "Small Graces".
the links available on her blog M Pax Author .

September 30, 2011

A Haiku For A Fitting End

Artwork Courtesy Penny Smith/Alias Jinksy

Haiku everywhere /
See all thoughts and emotions /
Colourful template //


Added To Haiku Heights For the Height Of Haiku Challenge 
Added to In Tandem
September 27, 2011

An Incantation

The stairway to heaven 
wouldn't find use here
needs, darker than a black soul
lost in the empty pages of time
forgotten lives for the killing
my soul seeks you Lucifer 
entwined, entombed serpent coils
Embrace the vile in me and rejuvenate

An Incantation

The stairway to heaven 
wouldn't find use here
needs, darker than a black soul
lost in the empty pages of time
forgotten lives for the killing
my soul seeks you Lucifer 
entwined, entombed serpent coils
Embrace the vile in me and rejuvenate

September 25, 2011

A Random Musing, A Rant And A Conversation Thrown In.

When life drops you a mango or two, Make a milkshake, and that's not quite your style Try a mango souffle....better still use the seeds to grow a tree, your grandchildren may end up saving their precious money and send you off, into the beyond, in style.

On to serious stuff (I am perfectly healthy, no worries there)....just pruning my blog tree list...realised that I have many who have abandoned their camps long ago, far too many poets to my liking, very few writers, book reviewers and movie/music review blogs. Those who find themselves at the short end of the chopping knife will hardly notice, they don't venture into the "dream" camp anyways. 
Serious writers will help me realise how my own pathetic writing is good enough for the E publishing world...given that I plan to come out with my ebook collections of short/flash fiction and poetry soon (six months, soon enough?). That scary task is not to appease the writer in me (maybe a wee bit) but for my mom and brother who have been my pillars of strength for longer than I can remember...I mean 37 is a long time isn't it to have your memories as pristine and crystal clear as they show in the movies?
 At the very least, my nephews and nieces can say their aunt was a published author even if nobody outside the family downloaded her .99 cents books (just hyping up myself for the eventual failure that is the story of my life.) 
 Centusians who have braved all the crappy words above, succour is in sight because my dialogues are based on this very future scenario. Happy reading. ;)

“Can I take your order, m’am?”

“Will have three of these, four tikka platters and chocolate brownies. Later, when the others have arrived.” “A coffee latte now, thank you”
“Long time, no see” "Have been really busy."
“Reks, you haven't changed a bit since I last you”  “where is this new friend you raved about, that ex neighbour?”
“Caught in traffic, she will be here soon.” 
 “I am famished.” “Shouldn’t we wait?”
“Go ahead, she won’t mind.”
 “So what’s this news?”
“You are having an affair!!” 
“Affairs are for the married remember”
You are marrying again?”
“Bah!!” "Once bitten twice shy, should listen to old songs more often!!" “ Much better deal , I sold my first 100 books.”
Finally, you did it!!” 
“I told you, you were good” “Are you seriously ordering another martini?”
“Hold your horses, the first outside sale so far, 99 were bought by family and you, my awesome friends!!!”

*Tikka - a  North Indian delicacy eaten as dry starters or gravies with Indian breads

For Saturday Centus at Jenny Matlock's blog Off On My Tangent
September 22, 2011

An Ancient Story Retold

The Snake Charmer, Henri Rousseau, 1907
Image Courtesy Magpie Tales

She lay by the lakeside; in the moonlight casting no perceptible shadow  against the glistening waters.  Strangely restless and content, weaving and unweaving  her matted coils…some stangled and twisted to hideous effect or laid as they were. Dark, tangled strings that reflected the  surrounding gloom.
He had escaped far too often, she had let him live the ignorant dream…. his scent deadly yet irrestible …his high notes ripping her apart…
 Letting him believe to be the victor in this ancient game she had perfected into an art. The night was their timeless friend, eternal enemy; bewitching , betraying, bespoken….rendering them puppets to mutual desire and hatred.
A secret dance,  feverish  glance lacking tenderness….wine and viper, stillness and motion,  beast and prey circling  in vanity and pride.
Soft footfalls, shodden grass groaning under the slight strain….picture perfect. They waited, glinting eyes and forked tongue for the sweet song to soothe and succumb to, for a little while.
 Medusa and the nightly visitor, her  lover and foe, evenly matched but tonight one would fall , the other would savour a shallow victory…..as he played his magical notes, the coils unravelled….inhabiting every inch of the tiny meadow that was their’s alone to claim.

Added to Magpie Tales 83

September 18, 2011

Haiku - 22

 The year's end draws near /
Autumn leaves these trees threadbare /
Life's metaphor talks //

Haiku a Japanese poetry format....classical based on 17 syllables in three lines 5-7-5 or 10 syllables in 3-4-3 format.
 By syllables in English based Haiku, we are talking of the syllables in each word...like Water is 2 sylabbles wa+ ter,  Harmony has 3 syllables har+mo+ny.
Some modern poets don't stick to syllable style.

May I??

TwinkleLittleStar spoof

Based on 32 word Saturday Centus requirement by Jenny Matlock at her blog Off On My Tangent...a melody which rhymes with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Check out the others nursery songs out there. 

Added to the meme In Tandem by Penny Smith aka Alias Jinksy where one uses words- poetry or tale to bring the image (an art work by her or other bloggers) to life. 
 * The background artwork in the Toon is her own . Do visit the other interpretations.
September 14, 2011

True Elixir ? Haiku - 21

Image Courtesy

Some, Fountain Of Youth /
Alchemy ancients claimed /
Liberty my goal //


September 12, 2011

Haiku - 20

Enthralling, ethereal sight /
Magical floodlights for some /
Sunsets, my pleasure //


Haiku - 20

Enthralling, ethereal sight /
Magical flood lights for some /
Sunsets, my pleasure //

For the Heights Of Haiku Challenge
Added To Haiku Heights

September 10, 2011

# 40 RandomMusings For The Day

Image courtesy Magpie Tales
What does this remind you of??....a past that is best stuck where it lies or a mirror image of your present?? Or a future warning to stay off muddy roads bereft of good samaritans??

 On a happier note, you can make a verse or tale of it...or vintage shaded to show off your photo editing skills.

BTW, sept 15 will be this blogger baby's first birthday...does it warrant a celebration?? maybe a trip round the sun??
September 09, 2011

Soft Addiction ?? Haiku - 18

 A Facebook game I was addicted to..  ;p
 Those hidden pleasures /
Surfacing at odd junctures /
Yearn for a bit more //

September 07, 2011


My nephews Sidartha And Akshay

Those sun kissed faces /
Joy overflows around twain* /
Birds chirp your sweet songs //

Hypnotic eyes seek /
Wisdom and action alike /
Content, seated now //

Life carefree, always /
Angelic devils of mine /
My shelters of love //

*n. an archaic word for two

 How can any verse and word be complete without my succour from darkness...my joie de vivre, my nephews Sid and Akki ?

September 05, 2011

Haiku - 17

Reflecting spirit /
Night rider streaks across sky /
Darkness flourishes //


Take A Fall

"How have you endured for a century?" 


The Earth shook violently, left a gaping hole where it had stood.

Perfection took a fall. 


Char: 140

September 04, 2011

Haiku - 16

Among restless leaves /
Green camouflage, parrots duo /
 A medley of squawks?? //

September 03, 2011

Haiku - 15

Jean Baptiste Corot 1845

The windmill slows down /
Soft footsteps on the stone floor /
My heart picks up speed //


September 02, 2011

Indigo Mood

Image Penny Smith/ Jinksy
A walk through the woods...
smell of docca and progo
 lingers on; even after 
the planets are gone’

“Miss home still?”
“when the sky turns this shade...”
“....as does your skin”
“time for the jabs then...should I try tan or mocha this time?”
“Two states this year!! Can't be careful enough...
wait a century, I'd say....”

*Droco And Progo...imaginary tree like formations

Haiku - 22

Image Courtesy
 Mirrors never lie / 
Disappointed eyes, seeks more / 
Nothing stays the same //

August 28, 2011

Child's Play

*Tried an Acrostic after a long time.....using each succeeding alphabet of the prompt as the first letter of the lines of the verse.

“Surprise!!  I’m pregnant”

From photobucket
Said the report; the Gynec, sad frown
Utter silence across the table
Reminiscent; ashen faces, of cremation grounds
People once friendly,
Rendered snickering gossips
Infatuation at 12, paid bitter price
School authorities bid nasty goodbye
“Egg rotten, spoils the entire set”, they proclaimed.

Insensitive relatives advise,
Admonished parents, for letting things slide,
Mother calls her a harlot now....

Ponder how a child is begotten,
Remember it takes two to tango...
Ensure censure for other’s fault
Given leeway, playing the field
New victim to warm his worn bed
Allowing him to deny
Not justice decreed
Tonight she sleeps...tomorrow....

*based on a news heard....12 yrs old should be enjoying childhood...but T.V, movies make them
indulge in reckless behaviour....

* My heart goes out to the 12 year old, especially with no schooling for now, living in a traditional society she has a tough life ahead.

Would you like to see this as a poem or as a 100 word story?

August 24, 2011

An Interview With A .....

Tonight we meet the reclusive authoress of 'If I die Young'.
"Welcome. Can you tell us what inspired the book and the thrilling storyline?"

Rasping in a soft voice, unblinking gaze, “Readers would know that it is based on out of body experiences, my own."

Red faced for a quick second before plunging forward, 
"Can you elaborate for the ones who haven't been able to grab a copy yet?"

 A maniacal gleam in the eye that turns the tomato hues to purple, a euphorical, "the young, such noble sacrifice...so soft and delicate, wonderful shades too. The best picks are the ones between 18 and 22...skin begging to be turned robes, an artist's delight. For a guy, yours is pretty soft too!!"
Reaching for the purse on the table, eyes on a particular man in the audience who nods his compliance.

"Someone call the cops" the last screams heard, before the studio turns dark and quiet...

*The title has been borrowed from "An interview with a vampire", lest poor me gets charged for copyright violation.

*Modern reality shows with emphasis on questionable, inappropriate behaviour, spouting corrupt role models and our infatuation with this disturbing phenomena prompted this piece.
*I have tried to keep it PG...apologise if it offends any one's sensibilities.
August 22, 2011

Wave The Flag

Ignite the fire, 

the blue of transparency

Let the streets burn 

in the fierceness of your passion

The mighty cower and hide

covering their tracks in vain

People's power where it truly belongs

not in the hungry corridors of parliament

 in you and me who put them there

Not for avarice and mindless ego trips 

 to make our lives a better fare.

Remind them time and again

 of the people, by the people, for the people

 is still the clarion call of Democracy

* This is my BLUE contribution to the fight against corruption - a people's movement that has erupted all across India, asking their elected representatives not to forget what they are here for.

Wave The Flag

Ignite the fire, 
the blue of transparency
Let the streets burn 
in the fierceness of your passion
The mighty cower and hide
covering their tracks in vain
People's power where it truly belongs
not in the hungry corridors of parliament
 in you and me who put them there
Not for avarice and mindless ego trips 
 to make our lives a better fare.
Remind them time and again
 of the people, by the people, for the people
 is still the clarion call of Democracy

* This is my BLUE contribution to the fight against corruption - a people's movement that has erupted all across India, asking their elected representatives not to forget what they are here for.

For Jinksy In Tandem 6Gooseberry Goes Poetic

August 08, 2011

My Story

miled again, rather
Grimaces in pain
The spotlight never her thing.
Millions of eyes, ears,
mouths and hands
Dissecting the enigma
On the canvas.

If portraits could
Speak their minds
As do in Hogwarts...
My face would
Mesmerise no longer.

The long hours,
Aching limbs,
Stretched endurance
Worth the while.
Few stolen moments ,
A valid excuse,
Bought at heavy price
Of heartache and heart break.

Throw a curve ball
That proclaimed
The furrowed brows,
Pigment stained fingers
Dipping onto the palette
Belonged to the one
My secret love.
The man belonging
with the world but
never with any one.

Do you Like this as a poem or a 100 word story?

July 31, 2011

Strange Worlds

  Based on a fantasy short story I wrote some years ago but left halfway

The clock chimed 12....all eyes turned to it.

Then a crashing sound from the kitchen snapped everyone's attention... Mother rushed in, almost slipping on the mess on the floor. Meena stood still, with a faraway look in her eyes whilst clutching her left arm. Joy pried away her fingers, watching  in terror and wonder; the dreaded silver words glistening in contrast to her brown skin.
“ Tonight we come” read the words.
 As Joy dragged the compliant girl out of the kitchen, he kept an anxious watch on her.
The family huddled in the small  living room, relatives he had never met stood whispering...older men and women gathered around his great grand mother passing the now yellowing picture around.
Would Tara’s fate be the same as her great grand uncle??...

If pictures could speak, surely it would say a thousand things. Was he alive, could he guide her, would she even meet him and mostly where the hell was he?

 A mystery whose answers weren't even enclosed in a dusty tome, the trembling wrinkled lips which was sworn to secrecy revealing the bare outline.

 For over 600 years, maybe more, every fourth generation, the second oldest child in his family disappeared alone; within, the now in ruins stone temple, on the dawn they turned 16.

The only evidence was an ancient dagger which made its appearance on the very spot they had been, last seen standing, by the rest gathered out of sight, far away in the temple grounds.

Joy had often questioned  the enforced practice.... the constant reply, " The fear of an ancient curse being activated", he openly scoffed at. He was glad he had been born five Min's later but felt for his twin. He had an ace up his sleeve, it all depended on perfect timing..... 

* I didn't know how to end the story...aliens, secret cult, magical world, star gate..... so left it unfinished.
July 27, 2011

An Unfulfilled Last Wish

At Saturday Centus...there is only one thing that's constant and that is change....
hence a 15 words or less centus with an optional picture (which got me all excited)!!!
Here we go....with Harry Potter and my final adieu to the movies....
my imagination and Jenny's inspiration....Apparate and glide over the other magical spells at her blog Off on my tangent...
 Before I forget...the prompt was "...Before I die I want to..."

Harry Potter
July 18, 2011

The Watchers

She stood there, watching
the face break into giggles and squeals, 
 brow scrunched in intense concentration,
 a voice that hummed along soft strains
merry feet and giddy moves, 

He stood there watching
the sleep laden lids struggling,
the once palpitating heart, breaking
the listless body drifting
monologues and arguments in emptiness.

They hung there as they always had
through changing walls and rooms
the silent sentinels musing over
the ever changing fortunes
of their mistress and her lady luck.

 painting whispers

 ( based on this glass painting of  RadhaKrishna that my cousin sister Nimmi 
made and gifted for my first wedding anniv. 
 A decade, three cities, a dead relationship later; they still hang on, my precious gift)

Time To Hit The Gym??

Having been AWOL for 2 weeks without the headmistress' Jenny Matlock permission..thought I'll use humour to appease her.
Enjoy /sympathise with other age related joys/woes at her blog..off on my tangent 

"...I'm not getting any younger...", she cribbed, huffing their way up the stairs....
''Need any help?'', asked her 75 year old uncle, his booming laughter echoing as he overtook her. 
June 27, 2011

A Letter Of Hope??.....

Dear John,

          I have carried this burden for far too long. A part my ambition played; in this deceitful secret I have managed to mislead you with, through all the struggles and adulation alike.

    Your father never came from the future. You were a product of a hallucinatory night of marijuana and coke.

     This war wasn't your destiny. Run away while you still can. Amigo has promised to stay.

Sarah Connor.

For those who may not be aware, a spoof on Terminator, the cult movie of the eighties and nineties.

A Chinese Dilemma

Why are the metallic monsters coming towards us, xien sho?
Must be the white tribe's tribute to thee; exalted highness, "son of heaven"!!

( An imaginary conversation between one the terracotta Ming soldier and his king while being transported from the Beijing Museum)
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