The Curse Of Gremdon - Ciara Knight
Genre - Speculative Fiction - Fantasy/ Adult Fiction
Novel - 282 pages, Price $ 7.99
Available at Amazon Kindle Store
In a world where marriage is forbidden, sex is only granted to male warriors, and the outer realm is full of murderous creatures, Arianna fights to protect the life of her only living relative, her brother.Tardon, an elite warrior, is granted anything he desires by the Elders, but finds little joy in the voluptuous women presented to him. Born for the bloodlust found only in battle, complicated emotions emerge when he discovers his equal in the alluring warrior, Arianna. Charged by the Elders with saving the castle from attack, Tardon and Arianna risk the curse when they traverse the vast outer realm to retrieve serum from the Tree of Life. If successful, the Elders have promised Tardon the right to marry and Arianna the cure for her brother’s death fever. Will their love carry them through or will the discovery of a great deception be their ultimate demise
This is a fantasy set in the kingdom of Gremdon, basically a sword and sorcery style of story telling. The magic is not visible in daily life and yet is very much there in the background, playing a crucial part.
I liked the author's focus on the two main characters, elite warriors Arianna and Tardon allowing the readers to explore their interaction, romantic and otherwise. The world around them is created with painstaking detail and clarity that one feels a part of the narrative.
Despite the romantic tension, its not all rosy and their task to retrieve the sap from the tree of life is beset with obstacles and live threatening dangers.
Though it does drag a bit in the beginning, it picks up pace fast enough. The twist and turns keeps one engrossed and at the edge of the seat unable to predict what comes next.
The superb twist in the end really catches the reader unawares, though the author leaves subtle hints throughout the book.
Some may find the dark, shadowy world a bit sexist with the male warriors being pampered by the Elders. Arianna is the only female warrior where most of the women are engaged in other activities. But this only makes the Elders ruled world that much more realistic.
There are strong romantic scenes which fall in the spicy category of romance rating - Sweet -> Hot -> Spicy.
I give this a 4.5/5 rating.
I recommend this enjoyable read to all fantasy lovers looking for a tale well told and surprisingly different.
I received a copy for review through the group Knights of the Round Table on Goodreads.
Personal Disclaimer: Though this book was a free copy received for the purpose of review, the post in entirety is my basic impression after reading the book twice. It is not based on intervention by the author, publishing house or the book forum.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review The Curse of Gremdon. Did I read that right? Did you read the book twice? :)
Thanks for the review! Its great to receive free review copies. I just had one delivered last week. Good luck to you Ciara!
Ciara's book looks awesome. It's on my to-read list.
"The magic is not visible in daily life and yet is very much there in the background, playing a crucial part." You just described life Rek :-)
Wonderful review for Ciara's book!
Thanks for the review! :)
I really enjoyed your review of Ciara's book! Best of luck Ciara! Julie
Great review. Yay for Ciara. Sounds like a great read.
Ooh I can't wait until I can get my hands on this story. Started reading when I critted a few of its chapters. :-D
Thanks everyone. I'm so sorry, but I realized today that blog comments I left in March did not show for some reason. We believe this happened because I was logged on for multiple users for another job. I believe we've fixed the issue.
Thank you again for reviewing The Curse of Gremdon. I'm so happy that you enjoyed it.
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