August 22, 2011

Wave The Flag

Ignite the fire, 

the blue of transparency

Let the streets burn 

in the fierceness of your passion

The mighty cower and hide

covering their tracks in vain

People's power where it truly belongs

not in the hungry corridors of parliament

 in you and me who put them there

Not for avarice and mindless ego trips 

 to make our lives a better fare.

Remind them time and again

 of the people, by the people, for the people

 is still the clarion call of Democracy

* This is my BLUE contribution to the fight against corruption - a people's movement that has erupted all across India, asking their elected representatives not to forget what they are here for.

Wave The Flag

Ignite the fire, 
the blue of transparency
Let the streets burn 
in the fierceness of your passion
The mighty cower and hide
covering their tracks in vain
People's power where it truly belongs
not in the hungry corridors of parliament
 in you and me who put them there
Not for avarice and mindless ego trips 
 to make our lives a better fare.
Remind them time and again
 of the people, by the people, for the people
 is still the clarion call of Democracy

* This is my BLUE contribution to the fight against corruption - a people's movement that has erupted all across India, asking their elected representatives not to forget what they are here for.

For Jinksy In Tandem 6Gooseberry Goes Poetic

August 08, 2011

My Story

miled again, rather
Grimaces in pain
The spotlight never her thing.
Millions of eyes, ears,
mouths and hands
Dissecting the enigma
On the canvas.

If portraits could
Speak their minds
As do in Hogwarts...
My face would
Mesmerise no longer.

The long hours,
Aching limbs,
Stretched endurance
Worth the while.
Few stolen moments ,
A valid excuse,
Bought at heavy price
Of heartache and heart break.

Throw a curve ball
That proclaimed
The furrowed brows,
Pigment stained fingers
Dipping onto the palette
Belonged to the one
My secret love.
The man belonging
with the world but
never with any one.

Do you Like this as a poem or a 100 word story?

July 31, 2011

Strange Worlds

  Based on a fantasy short story I wrote some years ago but left halfway

The clock chimed 12....all eyes turned to it.

Then a crashing sound from the kitchen snapped everyone's attention... Mother rushed in, almost slipping on the mess on the floor. Meena stood still, with a faraway look in her eyes whilst clutching her left arm. Joy pried away her fingers, watching  in terror and wonder; the dreaded silver words glistening in contrast to her brown skin.
“ Tonight we come” read the words.
 As Joy dragged the compliant girl out of the kitchen, he kept an anxious watch on her.
The family huddled in the small  living room, relatives he had never met stood whispering...older men and women gathered around his great grand mother passing the now yellowing picture around.
Would Tara’s fate be the same as her great grand uncle??...

If pictures could speak, surely it would say a thousand things. Was he alive, could he guide her, would she even meet him and mostly where the hell was he?

 A mystery whose answers weren't even enclosed in a dusty tome, the trembling wrinkled lips which was sworn to secrecy revealing the bare outline.

 For over 600 years, maybe more, every fourth generation, the second oldest child in his family disappeared alone; within, the now in ruins stone temple, on the dawn they turned 16.

The only evidence was an ancient dagger which made its appearance on the very spot they had been, last seen standing, by the rest gathered out of sight, far away in the temple grounds.

Joy had often questioned  the enforced practice.... the constant reply, " The fear of an ancient curse being activated", he openly scoffed at. He was glad he had been born five Min's later but felt for his twin. He had an ace up his sleeve, it all depended on perfect timing..... 

* I didn't know how to end the story...aliens, secret cult, magical world, star gate..... so left it unfinished.
July 27, 2011

An Unfulfilled Last Wish

At Saturday Centus...there is only one thing that's constant and that is change....
hence a 15 words or less centus with an optional picture (which got me all excited)!!!
Here we go....with Harry Potter and my final adieu to the movies....
my imagination and Jenny's inspiration....Apparate and glide over the other magical spells at her blog Off on my tangent...
 Before I forget...the prompt was "...Before I die I want to..."

Harry Potter
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