April 16, 2011

Nebulous Voices - Haiku 13

The thoughts meander /
Precious memories blaze by /
Distant resonance //

April 15, 2011

Mistake, Honestly

Weary,  delayed flight
grabbed the bag off the shelf
rushed down
against the chilly breeze...
“That’s mine,  a Louis Vuitton!!, here’s yours “
bristled the loud voice on the bus.
All eyes on her,
red faced, muffled a swift apology.
“Don’t fret”,  said his kind voice from her side,
“Must be fake like her accent!!”


April 14, 2011

Kafkaesque Love

The starry night,
a red moon crescent,
the rhythm unfolds...
take a step forward
with fresh hope lingering
warily, the distance kept
the tables turned abrupt
 the warrior sizing me up
a cruel smile, a rough tumble,
beaten, retreat into the cocoon.

Now it’s you, stepping
 on the invisible line
pushing, prodding,
in disturbing waves
another piece of my heart
on the floor stomped,
the bright red blood
trickling under your
hob nailed shoes.

Dawn and momentary succour
to gather dense thoughts
find the will to break free
from the obsessed, maniacal
gaze you bestow.

Footfalls of the evening
all in vain
This submission of  mine*
Still could be the death of me*
To the dance floor we take
long ago willingly
often now at your behest.

 Another twirl, another piece broken
till I can leave
without a backward glance.
Until you, someday,
 see me for myself
Our love story not,
nor hints of normalcy,
the makings of a tragedy.

{Written 6 yrs ago, except for the * lines added recently.... :) }

April 12, 2011

Just A Reminder - Yuri Gagarin

 There she was...
after a dizzing burst
into the cold dark space
leaving jet streaks behind...
The enchantress
so blue, even Misha's eyes
paled in comparison
Numero Uno means little
In this void....
Hammering heart
as Home beckons
Nikita seemed happy for once.
What’s with the Babooshka and loaves
When samogonka would make me float.

("babooshka" - grandmother, "samogonka" or "moonshine" - homemade vodka, Nikita Khrushchev - the then Russian President.)

April 11, 2011

Insipid Interview ??

April showers bring May flowers...

The words kept echoing in her mind....nervous to the point of sweaty palms, this wasn’t doing her any  good.
The sheer number of ties and jackets in her peripheral vision sounded the death knell in her guts....what was she thinking, turning up?...the entire city had landed up here, well all graduates from the top colleges at least.
The interview surpassed her expectations, the panel of seven did intimidate her but fumbled across to the finishing line....
Until  asked how soon she could join...blurted out without a second thought, “April”. Blushing at the puzzled faces , realised it was almost September.

April 09, 2011

Hunger Strike - My Take

The occasion called and many rose to it...not all could tamper their schedule to represent...the ones that did, were splendid and articulate...bringing to its knees...an adamant, corrupt serpent of a government was no mean achievement...
They fasted under camera glare...I skipped my dinner in the unseen confines of my den...raised slogans, placards, held candlelight vigils...I applauded quietly forming the backdrop...
The goals achieved, the promise proclaimed before millions of witnesses...they parted, extolling the virtues of meeting again...
I wondered if things would indeed change how many of those raddled, weary denizens could withstand the urge to take the easy way out of bribe and scribe....or stay steadfast on the moral high ground they preached from, to one and all.

April 08, 2011

Girl Child - An Alternate Reality

Burned to ashes...

Never to be held to the warm bosom.
As I watched, weak and helpless,
The comforting embrace of known arms 
Enclosed in their hold, not for long.
Mud I smelt, wet, dust caused sniffles
Calloused hands unwrapped the blanket
Shivering  body laid to rest...
The billowing earth, burning lungs,
Choked cry stuck in the chest
Wriggled, twisted in agony,
The ochre colours blinding the vision,
Left to breath my last.
The heavens sadly smiled,
Warm burrowing hands desperate in their search
Burning tears of rage, echoing growls from deep within
My saviour stood fearful
Till my feeble cries of thanks he heard.
Grandfather never minded
Was his daughter's last thread left
You murdered me almost, father
Your own flesh and blood
Wouldn’t it have made a difference 
 Had I been a born a boy??

April 07, 2011

Friends - Love Them Or Leave them - Here To Stay

I came, I saw, They conquered 
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
We met, We lingered, We parted, We reminisced.
April 06, 2011

Enterprising - Breaking Male Street Bastions

The dawn filtered through the flimsy curtain.Time to hit the road again...a quick breakfast....morning ablutions completed, the door to her tiny tenement locked.The drizzle made her glad at fixing the shades last week.Taking her usual spot at the stand, she awaited the call...kick starting with ease, drove at a comfortable speed...obvious.with kids in the back seat. Dropping them off to school 4 kms away, she parked near the gates....early morning meant that she never lacked company. Soon it was noon, busy more often than not...home, a leisurely lunch later; she left for the weekly meeting at the tiny shed. Two hours of advice and tips later, an urgent call to the railway station had her rushing off.The meeting always brought back old memories of her violent marriage, her escape to Delhi, her house and job hunts and to the curious path life had taken her..
Being the first female autorickshaw driver in North India hadn't been easy. The lack of funds, uncooperative, disgruntled male drivers had made the first few years miserable...her commuters,specially women had made her stick on...now 9 years after her first ride, she was a proud owner of her own vehicle.

April 05, 2011

Dutiful Daughter And Wife

She seemed out of spirits...the normally bouncy 24 yr old wore a pensive look. Even her favourite niece’s antics couldn’t erase the sadness etched on her face.

She didn’t pry, not her nature but sensed something amiss. She would ensure that these two weeks brought her sister’s old self back. Sure enough, by the end of the fortnight Kaveri seemed reluctant to go back....
The sisters had been close in childhood but the last 3 years had seen them drift apart.
Marriage, motherhood and living far away had made her unaware of certain things back home, not totally oblivious.
 Shifting back to childhood city seemed perfect at the moment. The first few days went in settling her children into a new environment, summer holidays and half a dozen cousins scampering around made things easier. She and her husband had just picked out a small but beautiful apartment...the advance paid, he was awaiting the loan clearance from the bank he worked in, they would be moving into their dream home within a month or two. Her happiness overshadowed by the vibes around the family dinner.
She questioned her elder sisters.....the answers saddened her and her husband deeply. So much had happened in the time they had been away. Her father’s ancestral home was heavily mortgaged. His brothers withdrawing their capital from their small wholesale firm, competition, manufacturers’ misgivings and rising debts meant he would soon be bankrupt. Unable to sell the ancient home to modern buyers, Kaveri’s marriage alliances drying up as a result.
They mulled over it for a month....the loan approval bringing little joy. Her husband loved her father to the point of adoration, losing his own at a tender age may have had something to do with it. He wanted to help but how....until Kalpana had a brainwave. They decided to postpone their dream and pay for the wedding instead (Indian weddings being costly affairs hosted by the bride’s family)...
The only glitch, her mother would never agree....Suresh decided on something better, buy off the ancestral home where they could live together with her parents and his mother. He wanted a big house of his own, having been at the mercy of relatives for the first 15 years of his life. She was reluctant as the aging home was more trouble than worth, feeling the first option to be the best, besides her brother’s wife was a vile woman she preferred to stay away from....
His mind made, nothing she said would sway him...the home changed hands, the marriage happened as planned.....things were bad from day one...crumbling interiors and exteriors that ate all their savings and a sister in law who made live hell in their own home. She never thought of making her brother leave, she loved him too much, his handicap rendering his earning capacity limited.
 Two year later when her husband got transferred, relief coursed through her veins...in a new city, another rented home, watching her nine and seven year old sleep...often she wondered if her notion of love and duty hadn’t stolen their dreams away.

 Count 512
April 04, 2011

Companion - An Ode To Thee

A white vision of loveliness approached
 The doomsday come and gone forth.
Moody and cantankerous
Breaking down at junctures of urgency
She made clutching hairs in despair
A meaningless, everyday gesture,

Her gaze loomed across time and space
Civilizations and mindplay, all a day’s worth.
Alas that good things come to a closure
So, it was, as the Wise Anon are wont to say.
True friends with benefits, never in the vulgar way
The parting amicable yet disturbing
 Pieces of heart and mind cut with invisible hands.

Adorning someone else’s room,
Enriching some other lives,
Frivolous pursuits of another like minded
Ageing grace she epitomises
My beautiful, wondrous companion no more,
For a span of eight earth years
My precious secret keeper – my Pentium 4. 

( Well, Aesthetic Blasphemy...your post and your reply comment prompted this...)

Succinctly Yours - MFM # 2

Lost in heavy trance
her son, glistening eyes saw
the bike rider start.

he drove on; unaware of shouts to stop,
she still stood, awaiting.

Added to Haiku Heights (first 3 lines), Grandma's Goulash (all 5 lines).

# 39 RandomMusings For The Day

If being a blood sucker is cool, aren't mosquitoes the coolest?....they don’t even sparkle in the sun. ;D

April 03, 2011

The Journey

Let me go..
Let me find my own road

Every journey begins with a desire,
To see, to feel, to touch the world
With all we possess.

Let me go...
Let me find the fork I need to take.
Everyone needs a marker
To say they passed this way..
Let me be the marker
Of my own new way

Each and every soul has a story to unravel,
A journey to commence,
Some need a guiding light,
Others a glance that propels them ahead,
And then there are those that need
To see the destination from afar.
And through all this only the wise realise,
whatever be the end, or the middle
The beginning is all that matters....

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 19.

Haiku 12

Rajasthani Puppets : Image courtesy Flickr

Puppets of the world /

Brother always quoted him /

Years later, agree //

April 02, 2011


Seated in the room
The multitudes elsewhere
Lingering laughter
Echoing in the corridor
Decked from head to toe
Flowers, silver and gold.

A genuine smile on one
Waiting for the him she loved
the thrill of new beginnings
sending butterflies flying...

A sad, longing glance thrown
Hennaed hands and feet
Wondering how bankrupt
Her parents were over this...

Nervous, fidgety moments
The woman in her happy
The cell phone never
Seemed to cease ringing
Friendly, bossy conversations
All at once overwhelming...

She sat with dead eyes
In the only new Saree owned
Her past, present, future
Remain unchanged
This was just another home
Where poverty still resides
New mouths to feed for old...

In four corners somewhere
Tied by a single thread
A day to bind them somehow
Four brides in their wedding best.

April 01, 2011

Achievers - The Conference

She would be the only one missing. Her achievements, an inspiration for countless girls with stars in their eyes. Though this hasn’t been her home for decades now, it was proud of her. Her parents recalled the last phone call, excitement in her voice at her dream turning reality. The thrill of a journey into space would never be negated by the stark fact that it was a one way trip, a fiery end despite the glory.

The reports were very encouraging, the schedule hectic. Time wasn’t always available, it had to be created. The humble beginnings seemed like eons ago. Her biotech company growing rapidly over the years, profits exponential. Many considered her a strict task master but there were no room for mistakes in their field. Her USP still was nurturing talented women and rewarding them generously with stocks for their efforts. She looked forward to rubbing shoulders with like minded women.

The dance academy was chock a block with new and old students. It had taken 30years of dedication, lack of funding, bottlenecks before the doors had opened. She had revived the classical dance form that had faced the threat of extinction. The danger still existed with the younger generations shunning it. For now, the light at the end of the tunnel looked bright enough to plod on. She smiled at her assistant – her sister who had been around for most of her journey....they would most definitely be there to share their incredible journey.

The medal stood out in the tiny room. The visitors still trickled along from nearby areas. The spotlight was something her family was getting used to. Her father, a cab driver had never understood her obsession with rifle shooting. His income barely enough to feed the family of 6. For a small town, traditional man, he never stopped her, a gift in itself. Her mother encouraged her to never give up, specially, when she ran out of generous friends who helped her along the way. She had been lucky, a politician's wife had happened to visit her training ground. And seeing her talent, decided to take her under her wings. The rest was history...as she glanced at the card while the official explained about the meeting; she knew that hard work had paid off.

The day passed in a blur...two complicated operations successfully completed, three infertility procedures undertaken...a dozen appointments awaiting her at the clinic. Late lunch again but she was not complaining. The joy of seeing red faced howling newborns, the glow on faces of women who had finally got the chance to be mothers made her job so much more rewarding. A brilliant student; still a student she considered herself. Watching her father and aunt at work, she had known where her destiny lay and toiled single mindedly. Marriage having been pushed off the agenda but she never regretted her singledom. The conference would be a welcome break indeed. 
 wc 487

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