February 13, 2011

Microfiction Monday #70

The winding road knows not her scent...
Many a doubt assail him...
cream and strawberries her fill, 
his wicked grin casting their spell still?

140 characters

Microfiction Monday #70

The winding road knows not her scent...
doubts assail him...
cream and strawberries her fill, 
his wicked grin casting their spell still?

136 characters

For this game, the limit is a tweetable 140 characters or fewer, inspired by a photo or illustration.

Based on a Tweet on Photo theme...
 by Susan Carleton at Stony River ....check out others gems out there.

The View - Mag 52

They waited
 in silence
exhaling breath frozen,
numbed bodies
in the biting cold...

To the younger
 warm and inviting
A house of horror 
for the partner
the latest human sacrifice 
entrapped within
the glossy green edifice.

February 12, 2011

Wanna Be Your Huggy Puggyman...

This week's Saturday Centus the challenge is to use UP TO 50 words to write a Hallmark card around this image for VALENTINES DAY!  Do walk through the other hallmarks at Jenny Matlock's meme...her blog off on my tangent .

The Words...
Jump, catch, fetch
snuggle, wag, juggle
never my style.

No, not always
this goofy...

Happens only
sniff, sniff
when you have
passed by....

Jenny Matlock
February 08, 2011

Meeting The In Laws - The Breakdown - 3

A 100 or less worded Micro fiction, with a Prompt in bold (not included in the 100 words count) that has to be left intact in the tale. Do take a spyhole check into other efforts at Jenny Matlock's meme...her blog off on my tangent
My third and hopefully last instalment in the Sci- Fi genre...the waves echo on...

Meeting The In laws Part 1 click here
Meeting The In laws Part 2 click here
The dome looked like the Itrigs* she has seen of the motherland....a place known through stories, now myths for some....
It has been 5000 Estel* years since anyone in the colony was taunted "earthling"...
Some pointed their proton projectiles* at her, some  looked away guiltily while others with hope....she was a traitor to some, to the majority the only one the "Bhaa" and Benen may yield to ....to the shamed "ethical".
The sight at the dungeons was enough....she would trade her life... ask him the last favor...as she left, "It was growing bigger by the minute..." the body pile of soldiers and civilians alike.

(*Itrigs advanced photo storage powered by gamma rays.
 *proton projectiles - the only weapons that could temporarily disable the Orbs with cybortic bodies.
*The colony - Earth like planet Estel where a year had 666 days)

Jenny Matlock
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