June 11, 2011

Some Books And A Tale

She was excited by the call...the chores done in a blistering hurry.
Cast a quick glance to ensure nothing was left unfinished…
A lonely Saturday afternoon, with no company (often a good thing); this was a boon in disguise….

She made the important call seeking permission and was off in a flash….the car parked at the entrance….it had been two months since she last saw him, the only one she could confide in. Yet, felt extremely guilty when; with every episode she unraveled, the cigarette packet emptied further.

She gently admonished for his only addiction, he barely nodded…quietness as he drove through the rapidly filling roads. The building loomed before them...a sense of peace and adrenaline buzzed through together.

The steps couldn’t be skipped fast enough...there was temporary salvation ahead...she ran her fingers lovingly through the racks...a comfortable chair; lost to the world when he picked and passed some.

As she hungrily devoured the pieces...a bag was gently handed over ....a birthday gift of books, so special...eyes glistened. The wall was built long ago, but it came crashing down at the fact that her brother spent a better part of the day with her, at the bookstore,  where her husband was busy with friends...

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Glad you made it this far...would love to hear your take on the words scribbled. A comment every now and then keeps the blues away. :D

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