September 18, 2011

Haiku - 22

 The year's end draws near /
Autumn leaves these trees threadbare /
Life's metaphor talks //

Haiku a Japanese poetry format....classical based on 17 syllables in three lines 5-7-5 or 10 syllables in 3-4-3 format.
 By syllables in English based Haiku, we are talking of the syllables in each Water is 2 sylabbles wa+ ter,  Harmony has 3 syllables har+mo+ny.
Some modern poets don't stick to syllable style.

May I??

TwinkleLittleStar spoof

Based on 32 word Saturday Centus requirement by Jenny Matlock at her blog Off On My Tangent...a melody which rhymes with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Check out the others nursery songs out there. 

Added to the meme In Tandem by Penny Smith aka Alias Jinksy where one uses words- poetry or tale to bring the image (an art work by her or other bloggers) to life. 
 * The background artwork in the Toon is her own . Do visit the other interpretations.
September 14, 2011

True Elixir ? Haiku - 21

Image Courtesy

Some, Fountain Of Youth /
Alchemy ancients claimed /
Liberty my goal //


September 12, 2011

Haiku - 20

Enthralling, ethereal sight /
Magical floodlights for some /
Sunsets, my pleasure //


Haiku - 20

Enthralling, ethereal sight /
Magical flood lights for some /
Sunsets, my pleasure //

For the Heights Of Haiku Challenge
Added To Haiku Heights

September 10, 2011

# 40 RandomMusings For The Day

Image courtesy Magpie Tales
What does this remind you of??....a past that is best stuck where it lies or a mirror image of your present?? Or a future warning to stay off muddy roads bereft of good samaritans??

 On a happier note, you can make a verse or tale of it...or vintage shaded to show off your photo editing skills.

BTW, sept 15 will be this blogger baby's first birthday...does it warrant a celebration?? maybe a trip round the sun??
September 09, 2011

Soft Addiction ?? Haiku - 18

 A Facebook game I was addicted to..  ;p
 Those hidden pleasures /
Surfacing at odd junctures /
Yearn for a bit more //

September 07, 2011


My nephews Sidartha And Akshay

Those sun kissed faces /
Joy overflows around twain* /
Birds chirp your sweet songs //

Hypnotic eyes seek /
Wisdom and action alike /
Content, seated now //

Life carefree, always /
Angelic devils of mine /
My shelters of love //

*n. an archaic word for two

 How can any verse and word be complete without my succour from joie de vivre, my nephews Sid and Akki ?

September 05, 2011

Haiku - 17

Reflecting spirit /
Night rider streaks across sky /
Darkness flourishes //


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