February 13, 2011

Lost Chances

Love came dawdling through
dressed up in all his finery
unmoved, unmindful
standing her ground
 cold masks gathered
the gift of life's bonds. 

Random acts of kindness
seemingly unnoticed
cherub's efforts in vain
door slammed shut
refuge sought that
false pretenses brought.

Voices assailing
at every turn
relationships mended
one sought
 a fraud, a hoax
the other in disdain
she kept her silence
opinions weighed

Window kept ajar
for him who
was now afar
cobwebs the spiders weave
wrinkled and quite grey
 oft seen she stands
by the window sill.

Microfiction Monday #70

The winding road knows not her scent...
Many a doubt assail him...
cream and strawberries her fill, 
his wicked grin casting their spell still?

140 characters

Microfiction Monday #70

The winding road knows not her scent...
doubts assail him...
cream and strawberries her fill, 
his wicked grin casting their spell still?

136 characters

For this game, the limit is a tweetable 140 characters or fewer, inspired by a photo or illustration.

Based on a Tweet on Photo theme...
 by Susan Carleton at Stony River ....check out others gems out there.

The View - Mag 52

They waited
 in silence
exhaling breath frozen,
numbed bodies
in the biting cold...

To the younger
 warm and inviting
A house of horror 
for the partner
the latest human sacrifice 
entrapped within
the glossy green edifice.

February 12, 2011

Wanna Be Your Huggy Puggyman...

This week's Saturday Centus the challenge is to use UP TO 50 words to write a Hallmark card around this image for VALENTINES DAY!  Do walk through the other hallmarks at Jenny Matlock's meme...her blog off on my tangent .

The Words...
Jump, catch, fetch
snuggle, wag, juggle
never my style.

No, not always
this goofy...

Happens only
sniff, sniff
when you have
passed by....

Jenny Matlock
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