February 04, 2011

Haiku 6

An Poloroid Picture digitised...

Wet footprints, dry sand
wind blown hair in disarray
blue waves behind, clash.

My Twitter #Sixwordstories In Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
Click on the Wordle to see the original one.

Time to leave past baggage behind
I have never held a magic wand
Grind your teeth, make hair rise
Heaven/hell, to each their own
One for mind, one for soul "songsnwords"
 Was in thought, walk or not?
New year resolution, fulfil or not?
The winter season but not cold!
Beaches, breeze, sand, shells, mocktails, music
Health is wealth, says the doctor
Dreaming with open eyes, the best
This laughter style means the most :D
New walking shoes, await their turn :P
Only father time can definitely tell
Too late now, walking partner gone ;
This time around, pack my mouse
Bid goodbye, till you can revisit
Ciao, fare thee well, mes amies
 Have a Flikr Friday, my wish
A tequila if its your thing.

Meeting The In Laws - The Flashback - 2

A 100 or less worded Micro fiction, with a Prompt in bold (not included in the 100 words count) that has to be left intact in the tale. Go have your fill of other creative endeavours at Jenny Matlock's meme...her blog off on my tangentThis time, though I didn't plan to take part, Jenny's comment that asked for a sequel to last week's Sci-Fi can't be refused...for a Sci-Fi/fantasy addict like me....another post in continuum...hope its readable...

Meeting The In laws Part 1 click here
The dust storms...two months of monitored travel..she stood lost in clashing thoughts...Slowly but sprightly for a 150 year old, walked to the "Minara"......took the drop pad to the dungeons, to "Asat"*  her family's section.
She had named him Benen*......her father and uncle's greed has caused damage lasting a millennia, forcing him to choose sides. 
The "Bhaa"*, his people had renamed her Mara*, now
retained as a reminder of lost love, a galactic war.
She lifted the stack of letters from the ancient chest,
never sent.... his letter on top, a poignant "stars apart/forever in each other's thoughts"...would her great grand daughter's fate be different?? 

(Sanskrit: Asat - evil, Bhaa - light, Mara - the destroyer)
(Benen - Latin for benevolent)

Jenny Matlock
February 01, 2011

The Walk - Magpie Tales 51

Chipped red bricks pathway /
 Dull echo less footfalls left /
Seems familiar yet distant //

January 31, 2011
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