December 06, 2010


The boxes were scattered around....some taped, some randomly filled up. She glanced at the small cardboard box lying at the far end of the drawer. Pulled it out, opening an assortment of things electrical: plugs, wires, tools and then those...
For four years they lay unused, two deaths, a bitter fight and a marriage ensured that they gathered dust....
This year was no different. They were shifting house, the bin of tangled up holiday lights were packed off with a glance and sigh. The tiny bulbs looked on sadly, awaiting the  day to blink and twinkle to their heart's content.

December 05, 2010

Haiku 2

 Tiny limbs massaged /
 trembling hands reach for coffee /
 march, granny 84 //

December 04, 2010


 They hear my laughter,
they see me cringe and cry
I fought, then gave in....

not a soul, try as they might, can
 see the real me die inside...

(Tanka is a Japanese prose/poetry form of 5 lines with 31 syllables...5-7-5 // 7-7 format. )

Haiku 1

Scolded and then caned /

can of kerosene and match /

the ashes of a child //

# 20 Random Musings For The Day

Why does Time fly on a Nimbus when you have your hands full....and crawl at a Snail's pace when you are bored out of your mind???
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