June 05, 2013

Are You A Blog Rat?

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day for participating blog owners who may be professional or amateur writers. (All you need is the passion and output, published or not). Started by Alex Cavanaugh the author of the sci-fi space opera CassaStar and sequel CassaFire, it is a means for writers to talk about their fears big and small. It is also an opportunity to connect to other writers who may have conquered these or are sailing in the same insecure boat as you.

I won't be boring you with sad talks and usual insecurity rants.
My question is simple. Should you cut back on blogging or abandon it altogether? I haven't updated in a month, haven't done my rounds though I want to.
Starting today, I plan on just 2/3 posts a week one of which will be a book review. 
I am going to stick to a select group of old blogger friends and interact with new ones at memes and blog hops. 

Sounds like a good plan to me. What do you say?

Now for some sales talk. :) I am hosting an American soldier cum social worker based in Afghanistan on June 16th. We will be discussing her non fiction book based on her time there. Would love it if you could find time to visit and show your support and appreciation for her and others' efforts. to make a better world.

Until my next post and visit - Live Long and prosper.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'll be back June 16!
Sounds like a good plan for blogging. I only post three days a week because it's all I can handle.
Good to hear from you, Rekah - you've been missed.

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm trying to find a balance between blogging and writing... very difficult.
And time for reading too...

Annalisa Crawford said...

I post randomly, because that works best for me. Blogging has to work for you, not make you feel obliged to do something. Although I follow a large number of blogs, but there are some I just don't get round to visiting very often - for me, THAT'S the biggest problem.

Your next post sounds very interesting.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Cutting back sounds like a good idea. I only post two times per week on my personal blog. I used to blog three days per week, but ultimately cut back to the more manageable two.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Pat Tillett said...

As you already know, I've cut down to one post a week. I have plenty to post and could still do it almost everyday, but I just don't have the time anymore. I really like commenting on the blogs I follow, but that takes more time than the actual act of blogging. Cutting back can be a good thing.

Alex may have cut back, but he is still the busiest blogger I've EVER run across. I wish I had just a bit of his energy.

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Glad you made it this far...would love to hear your take on the words scribbled. A comment every now and then keeps the blues away. :D

Since, crazy Mr. Blogspot won't let me reply to the comments here (is upset with the water ladies ever since they refused to verify visitors)...will do the next best thing, drop in to your blog to say my Vanakkam/Namaste/Salaam/Hello.

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