May 04, 2012

Heavenly Matches

‘Matches under the stars’ the message had coded a dozen times. She debated the futility of it, desire overriding her fears, slithered her awkward way to the booth. The bored looking assistant looked her once over, before leading her in. Strapped to the ‘Biosync’, Zooawoong made her specific request.
“Outcome not possible,” the machine replied.
She eyes would have watered, but for the lack of tear ducts. As the assistant waited, she sought ‘his’ help.
His rolling gait, meant, a reprimand was to be expected. His thoughts filtered through. “The Boh-ring are better suited, child.”
She remained unmoved, looking in disgust at the appendages that served for limbs. Two legged was so graceful!
He glanced at his lovelorn spawn. Being the Emperor of ‘Piles Star Systems’ wasn’t easy.
The Solians were shrewd, driving a hard bargain. The young male she fancied was no match, lacking the tentacles - their power source.
“Appearances don’t matter to him. I hear him say, all the time.”
Surely not, he wasn’t the one losing precious assets. An icy moon and a moon base hadn’t been enough. Maybe, the smallest of the ‘Diamond’ planets their captain fancied would clinch the deal, get her the mate.

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