April 04, 2012

Declining, The Better Way? Disinclination - Worrying Factor? - IWSG

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day for participating blog owners who may be professional or amateur writers. (All you need is the passion and output, published or not). Started by Alex Cavanaugh the author of the sci-fi space opera CassaStar and sequel CassaFire, it is a means for writers to talk about their fears big and small. It is also an opportunity to connect to other writers who may have conquered these or are sailing in the same insecure boat as you.

No cartoons this time, humour may or may not make an appearance. I started writing again 1 1/2 years ago. Happy to post my best pieces (you can beg to differ, no sweat) on my blog, being new to the chances in the publishing world, especially online. I realised albeit 5 months back, in Nov 11 that the tiny (OK, huge, colossal...I get the point) lack of knowledge meant that 75% of my work is now unfit for online publication, even if less than a dozen souls have read each of the works. 
Then I wrote some more,  submitted, followed by the rejections. Most were standard - we can't use it now, doesn't fit  in our style and so on kinds. The first one in Dec 11 made me cry for an hour...but the thick skin developed over time. 
Until two things happened, back to back.
 A poetry of mine got brutally dissected by three editors of an Ezine with comments like too general, can't understand the point, unreadable style.

Silent prayers for
success that eludes.
Journey back and forth
on an ever changing road.
Doing whatever it takes
to make time stop still,
if only for a few moments
to gather baggage and quilt.
Trudge across the finishing line,
the one, that loves playing vile tricks,
further down the road, it forever, spins.
Proclaim myself victorious,
to find, obstacles strewn across, 
newer, stronger, unexpected
Blasphemous messages to ancestors gone,
The mocking Gods roll over in mirth,
pointing at this "puny human" in distress.

Then a unfamiliar blogger writer added insult to injury by not just calling out to my punctuation (that's fine, I look out for genuine critique anyway) but dissed my self respect by sending me, without the courtesy of prior intimation, a 'not asked for' ebook on punctuation along with a left-handed compliment.
 I may be a struggling writer even a bad one but I can buy my own books, thank you!
Free books, good ones, I love them, who doesn't? - but that's what giveaways, contests, review forums, author approved/publisher or site sponsored  'free book' promotions are for.

Strangely, both have made me question my writing skills. As of now, I write because it's literally my lifeline in a lonely world, but publication is no longer my goal. 
 Which brings us to the title, is it better to get standard rejections? Is disinclination a death knell for my passion?

On the bright side, I am still going to create a free Smashwords chapbook of some my poetry pieces in June as a birthday gift to myself.
Much brighter, I am slowly getting out of the anaemic phase with my haemoglobin count going up. Hopefully, the clean bill of health, the magical 11.5 will come in a couple of months. Till then, my parents will have to bear the tired, irritable, forgetful Rek.
 Till then, my sensitive stomach will have to put with the iron and folate pills...sigh.
The brightest, next month's  IWSG will see a positive post, even a humourous one if I can pull it.

For the ones who still visit , a self created joke - do pamper the sick even if it isn't funny...
Why would vampires avoid the 'synthesised blood' banks?
 They prefer the organic variety to plastic.


Cherie Reich said...

Aww! *hugs* Some people just don't know when it is right to give critique and when it isn't.

Keep writing (and reading). It's the only way to get better.

By the way, I like your poem, even though I know very little about poetry, especially these lines: Trudge across the finishing line,
the one, that loves playing vile tricks,


Blasphemous messages to ancestors gone,

21 Wits said...

I for one, always enjoy your writing, it does seem you haven't been writing as much lately. I miss your posts. I know my work schedule has kept me busy most days, and sometimes it's hard to catch up with my blog roll which gets really full. But people that go to those extremes are the ones suffering with their own battles I would say. A friend maybe, my mother absolutely, but just a blogger sending you such stuff, not good and they are most likely feeling poorly about themselves. So they want to ruin someone elses life. DON'T let them win. I really don't think anyone should belittle anyone, especially here. This isn't Facebook, everyone loves being not so nice there at times. You just have to realize that your writing is wonderful, you have fans out here, and if someone doesn't like how you spell or if you forget a comma or whatever, it's their problem! I'm happy you are here, and on my blog roll!!! Take good care, Karen

Rosanna said...

You go girl! I share many of your feelings, and now I blog for fun. Keep it up!

A said...

About punctuation?? Give me a break!
Never doubt your talent Rek!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rekha, that poem is beautiful. You are a wonderful writer. Don't lose faith in yourself!

Tonja said...

Oh, that sucks. Wow. I think that speaks more about the other person than you. You should shake it off and stay the course. I hope you are feeling better.

My adult Indian friends with kids have amazing family support - I wish I had a fraction of the support they have.

M Pax said...

Rekha, we all suck at punctuation. Thank goodness for editors. Wow, that was... rather mean.

Please don't give up. You have such a unique imagination and a beautiful way of telling a story. You're in the game--writing and producing. Be proud.

Kirsten said...

My feeling is that critique is supposed to inspire and keep you writing. In fact, I have a quote for you from a book I read before I entered the critiquing fray.

"feed'back' n. (writing): any response to a writer or his work that helps him write more, write better, and be happier.

Doesn't it make you want to race out and get some?"
- Joni B. Cole "Toxic Feedback: Helping Writers Survive and Thrive"

Don't stop writing! Your words have a wonderful rich quality that are a joy to read. You just haven't found the right home for them yet!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

My dear friend, I just want to express how much I believe in you and your writing - without it sounding trite or insincere. I'm sorry for the slew of, not only rejections, but audacious ones at that. I don't understand why people must be mean when critical, or unable to compliment without piling on insult. I got a few generic rejections ("not what we're looking for" and "We don't know what we like until we see it, but this ain't it") from e-zines a while back and haven't submitted since. That stuff stings no matter how it's delivered. But keep moving forward, because you really are gifted.


Mark Koopmans said...

Hey Rek,

I love when you comment on my blog (especially today when you said "you never know you [me] were bi..." That was so cute, and I am still laughing :)

I value you as a blogger buddy and so I wanted to let you know that while yeah, it sucks to receive a negative comment/review... screw them anyway!

It's alllll subjective as you know and we will never be able to please all the peeps all the time.

AS long as YOU submit the *best* darn work you can, well screw the negativos... they're only a bunch of jealous trolls living in the basement :)

Just saying... :)

Jeri said...

At least you are submitting work. Even after going through countless writing workshops when I was in school, I still have not submitted much for publication. Many reasons abound. Now I've recently started writing again too and am considering self-publishing. At the end of the day, all the best of us can do is keep trying to write and be read in some capacity. Keep it up!

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Glad you made it this far...would love to hear your take on the words scribbled. A comment every now and then keeps the blues away. :D

Since, crazy Mr. Blogspot won't let me reply to the comments here (is upset with the water ladies ever since they refused to verify visitors)...will do the next best thing, drop in to your blog to say my Vanakkam/Namaste/Salaam/Hello.

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