September 26, 2010

Mirage/Illusion Or Reality

Near Churchgate, Mumbai 

Came into my life, 
Like a whiff of fresh air.
A fragrance so intoxicating,
That had me lost to the world.

A glorious smile that light  up my sky,
Made me see stars under the brightest sun.
Eyes as deep as the oceans,
Drowning me in melting pools.

An embrace to warm the coldest of nights,
A soothing voice to vanquish the darkest nightmares.
A beautiful face that reflected the purity within,
A joie de vivre that oozed from every fibre.

An impish grin that sent my heart racing,
A tender glance that  had me doing somersaults.
A comfortable silence that needed no speech to mar,
An enduring love that needed no special moments.

Closed my eyes for a moment,
To see clearer still through the soul.
  Longed to catch a glimpse
Once more of you.
Multitudes of faces passed me by,
But not the one sort after.
For you had disappeared without a trace ,
Like you had never ever been there.

Were you a mirage, 
An Illusion,
A hallucination,
A figment
Of an over active imagination?
Or someone else's reality,
Before I could make it mine....

Years gone by,
The question still lingers,
Were you ever truly present,
Were you just another dream,
Or memories of another life long gone !!

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Glad you made it this far...would love to hear your take on the words scribbled. A comment every now and then keeps the blues away. :D

Since, crazy Mr. Blogspot won't let me reply to the comments here (is upset with the water ladies ever since they refused to verify visitors)...will do the next best thing, drop in to your blog to say my Vanakkam/Namaste/Salaam/Hello.

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