November 16, 2010

My Widgets Love

My blogging journey has brought out the kid in the candy store/toy store in me....the reason : my fascination for widgets/gadgets.

I keep adding, modifying and discarding them right and left...Sadly this spree also has heartbreak moments ...

Like saying adios to Darth Vader and Aristotle quotes as they slowed down my page.... so much so that even I had to spend many blank, anxious moments before my page up Sudoku was hard for an game addict like me but I spent more time on solving it than typing useful (??? who am I kidding) words...

But some stayed on like old friends who never quite exit from our lives....some ego boosting that show how much we are liked...some that tell the world that happens to peep in, what we believe in....

All in all they make up our blog as much as personal input does...

Its takes just a jiffy to admire those creative souls who make the job of presenting an aesthetically pleasing blog into " the blog art for dummies" .

And me...I am off to add a bookshelf to my story blog...... ;D


Paulami said...

i love widgets too. in ways you get a glimpse of the person writing the blog and yes definitely waiting for the bookshelf on your blog! :)

TS Hendrik said...

Yeah, I'm always having to cut back on widgets. I get widget crazy and load up my page with unnecessary things only to later scale it back.

Rekha said...

P@ul@mi : I share the love ...hope u liked the small part of my shelf...widgets r like accessories...make or mar ;)

TSH: Your page scheme is very nice...quite organised??? Little things tell accurate, tall stories about people ;)

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Glad you made it this far...would love to hear your take on the words scribbled. A comment every now and then keeps the blues away. :D

Since, crazy Mr. Blogspot won't let me reply to the comments here (is upset with the water ladies ever since they refused to verify visitors)...will do the next best thing, drop in to your blog to say my Vanakkam/Namaste/Salaam/Hello.

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