Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
May 26, 2011


A normal (rainy) day in Bangalore.
Cloudy thunder

dark lightning

wind swept

the heralds of the end

droplets soft

tinkling splashes

gently seeps

the wetness beckons

face drips 

neck goosebumps

back tickles

arms outstretched standing

primal smell

alluring scent

delectable fragrance

parched earth first shower

laughing mouths

dancing eyes

sloshing feet

puddles seem cool

cleansed body

invigorated mind

rejuvenated soul

the rain gods smile.

May 16, 2011

Adventures Inc

Dull cloudy Friday, was it the 13th?

It tantalised and teased,
Started off easy enough as
they port keyed in, screaming for dear life
landing on a pissed off Jill

Scampering on to tumble into Humpty dumpty....
The king’s men chasing the hungry souls
to a witch selling hot cross buns
For the lad and wench, she simpered....
too tired to deny, no galleons to exchange
a silver ring for passage paid...

The stone doors creaked wide
King Arthur and his knights rode astride,
curtsied in jeans and tops
snitched off pastries from the festive lot...
dozing off to find themselves squeezed
 in the Mad Hatter’s chair.

Barely escaped to be waylaid by hunting orcs
the side trip to middle earth all her fault...
Hiding under the great oak in time to watch
the huntsman dragging a pale Snow White.
She managed to catch her errant champ
Muttering “yea might be mistaken for
the prince, the way you wince!”

The Grey bad wolf chasing Red Riding Hood
acted as the last straw....clutching at the star
to be at the place they were before.
She clamped the clasps shut,
tiny hands adding their strength
against an unrelenting Giant; 
standing on the Beanstalk.

The brave girl threw it in the air watching
it slide back against its nature
to the dark corner of the ancient shelf
Rubbing his hands free of the dust, he said
"these tomes are not for the faint hearted, Aunt"
 Slunk away together; one to her Barbie Doll, 
the other to watch "Lighting McQueen" nitro boost away;
the third fast asleep on her lap 
oblivious of the preceding chaos and mishaps.

*My silly take for my Muses- my nephews Sidartha and Akshay and niece Aishwarya
* Jack Edward's poem on the Zodiac had me thinking if I could go something similar.

May 08, 2011

Mother's Day - Haiku 14

Image courtesy where did my smile go

World's force feeding /
Turning poison to nectar /
 A mother's touch //

April 25, 2011

Unstable Undetected??

Glances here, there, everywhere

pain, heartache never ending, relentless...

A brewing storm, clutching at ribs,

Dragon's fire - belching bolts

the heart asunder.

 dull eyes, shimmer less gaze,

blank stares, sees no face

tethering on the edge, 

thin line divides

sanity and craze.

Bright lights invisible

to all save one

pulls on, farther away.

mind craves, falters, yields to

the cold caress of light and dark in turn

echoing laughter off the wall, rebounds.

Flowing torrent as sudden as death,

dim recognition fails, gone for now,

 in the blink of an eye.

April 23, 2011

Torturous Days

Life is never straight nor calm, tragic
when he turns on that so called charm
Not a funny bone in the body
and yet speak of comic timing.
 The party is on in full swing
wishing you have a shift to still be in.
The stunned silence isn't quite adulation
the life of this one?, funny thought.
Costume themed? definitely not.
 Bet, you purposely forget.
 Blue velveteen and floppy ears
stands out among jeans and T shirts
This to mock me, I know
Easter bunny stunt pulled out,
just means, "now is time"
to give you the marching lines...

Added To Saturday Centus

April 16, 2011

Nebulous Voices - Haiku 13

The thoughts meander /
Precious memories blaze by /
Distant resonance //

April 14, 2011

Kafkaesque Love

The starry night,
a red moon crescent,
the rhythm unfolds...
take a step forward
with fresh hope lingering
warily, the distance kept
the tables turned abrupt
 the warrior sizing me up
a cruel smile, a rough tumble,
beaten, retreat into the cocoon.

Now it’s you, stepping
 on the invisible line
pushing, prodding,
in disturbing waves
another piece of my heart
on the floor stomped,
the bright red blood
trickling under your
hob nailed shoes.

Dawn and momentary succour
to gather dense thoughts
find the will to break free
from the obsessed, maniacal
gaze you bestow.

Footfalls of the evening
all in vain
This submission of  mine*
Still could be the death of me*
To the dance floor we take
long ago willingly
often now at your behest.

 Another twirl, another piece broken
till I can leave
without a backward glance.
Until you, someday,
 see me for myself
Our love story not,
nor hints of normalcy,
the makings of a tragedy.

{Written 6 yrs ago, except for the * lines added recently.... :) }

April 08, 2011

Girl Child - An Alternate Reality

Burned to ashes...

Never to be held to the warm bosom.
As I watched, weak and helpless,
The comforting embrace of known arms 
Enclosed in their hold, not for long.
Mud I smelt, wet, dust caused sniffles
Calloused hands unwrapped the blanket
Shivering  body laid to rest...
The billowing earth, burning lungs,
Choked cry stuck in the chest
Wriggled, twisted in agony,
The ochre colours blinding the vision,
Left to breath my last.
The heavens sadly smiled,
Warm burrowing hands desperate in their search
Burning tears of rage, echoing growls from deep within
My saviour stood fearful
Till my feeble cries of thanks he heard.
Grandfather never minded
Was his daughter's last thread left
You murdered me almost, father
Your own flesh and blood
Wouldn’t it have made a difference 
 Had I been a born a boy??

April 07, 2011

Friends - Love Them Or Leave them - Here To Stay

I came, I saw, They conquered 
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
I came, I saw, They conquered
We met, We lingered, We parted, We reminisced.
April 04, 2011

Companion - An Ode To Thee

A white vision of loveliness approached
 The doomsday come and gone forth.
Moody and cantankerous
Breaking down at junctures of urgency
She made clutching hairs in despair
A meaningless, everyday gesture,

Her gaze loomed across time and space
Civilizations and mindplay, all a day’s worth.
Alas that good things come to a closure
So, it was, as the Wise Anon are wont to say.
True friends with benefits, never in the vulgar way
The parting amicable yet disturbing
 Pieces of heart and mind cut with invisible hands.

Adorning someone else’s room,
Enriching some other lives,
Frivolous pursuits of another like minded
Ageing grace she epitomises
My beautiful, wondrous companion no more,
For a span of eight earth years
My precious secret keeper – my Pentium 4. 

( Well, Aesthetic Blasphemy...your post and your reply comment prompted this...)
April 03, 2011

The Journey

Let me go..
Let me find my own road

Every journey begins with a desire,
To see, to feel, to touch the world
With all we possess.

Let me go...
Let me find the fork I need to take.
Everyone needs a marker
To say they passed this way..
Let me be the marker
Of my own new way

Each and every soul has a story to unravel,
A journey to commence,
Some need a guiding light,
Others a glance that propels them ahead,
And then there are those that need
To see the destination from afar.
And through all this only the wise realise,
whatever be the end, or the middle
The beginning is all that matters....

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 19.

Haiku 12

Rajasthani Puppets : Image courtesy Flickr

Puppets of the world /

Brother always quoted him /

Years later, agree //

April 02, 2011


Seated in the room
The multitudes elsewhere
Lingering laughter
Echoing in the corridor
Decked from head to toe
Flowers, silver and gold.

A genuine smile on one
Waiting for the him she loved
the thrill of new beginnings
sending butterflies flying...

A sad, longing glance thrown
Hennaed hands and feet
Wondering how bankrupt
Her parents were over this...

Nervous, fidgety moments
The woman in her happy
The cell phone never
Seemed to cease ringing
Friendly, bossy conversations
All at once overwhelming...

She sat with dead eyes
In the only new Saree owned
Her past, present, future
Remain unchanged
This was just another home
Where poverty still resides
New mouths to feed for old...

In four corners somewhere
Tied by a single thread
A day to bind them somehow
Four brides in their wedding best.

March 28, 2011

Sinful Delights

Some impulsive days /
Reasons fly off the window /
Sweet fruit forbidden //

Thank you, Jingle, for the Perfect Poet Award :)  for Week 39 
 I accept… 
For next week I nominate Nimue.
March 26, 2011

Haiku 11

My Nephews

Hush!! warm soft breathes /
A tear drops, the angels sleep /
 Nature creates beauty //

A Parody

A 100 or less worded Micro fiction in poetry genre this time around, with a Prompt in bold (not included in the 100 words count) that has to be left intact in the Poem. Sing along with other rhymes at Jenny Matlock's meme...her blog off on my tangent.

I am above average in studies
And I don’t quite worry
Must I proclaim anyway

Nothing you say is making a headway
Often I  seek the outside
Training my thoughts on the roadside

Alas I am not always invisble

Caught by a question unanswerable
Holding my head down in so deplorable
I’m not a chicken
Classmates, don’t be concerned
Kneeling down and 100 long  lines  I can tolerate
Enjoy the show but do calculate
Next is you on the line Dear, Saddened Wilma!!! :P

 This is an  Acrostic Poem - starts with each succeeding letter of the prompt sentence.

Also Added To Umas Poem Book

 (( Wilma Roche (A Goan Catholic) was one of my best friends from 6th-10th grade in my all girls convent school (St.Anne's, Bombay)...
We lost touch after junior college i.e.11th and 12th grade here....
and she had this klutzy habit of breaking my glasses (shortsighted me) atleast once a year !! ))

Jenny Matlock
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